Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Technology and students

Teachers will be more accepting of student's work that uses technology when they use it more and more. Students show more interest in an assignment when they are not just writing reports. Powerpoints are used by many students. I have seen movies that they really enjoyed making and showing. I am sure if you just told them they could use any technology they were comfortable with we would be surprised with what they would come up with.


Unknown said...

I agree that students enjoy making movies. They especially enjoy assignments where they are required to combine several types of technological tools. At a conference once, I got a lesson plan idea that did exactly that.

For example, in my env. sci. class, my students did a PSA about an environmental issue. So, to save trees, I had them storyboard their presentations in a power point (one slide = one frame) and email then to me for approval and we exchanged comments over email. They also had to devise a poster that advertised their issue. Then, they recorded their statements in a 90 second video using a VHS camera. They loved the variety of assignments and the class time flew by! Not to mention the learning that took place.

Cheryl H

Amy said...

I think the students would master the information and teachers would learn somthing new as well. Unfortunately, it will take teachers out of their comfort zone when they allow students to have that much freedom over an assigment.

Steve said...

So, how can we get teachers to step out and use technology?

Getting them to do something like the wikis we are building would really create some connections. I know we often get caught up in the idea that we’ve got to “cover” al of the SOL’s.

Particularly for Sp Ed kids, this just isn’t working very well. What if we could get everyone to focus on uncovering the information and creating connections?

Do you think it would make a difference?

But how do we get there?