Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Saving time and trees

I am not sure this digital age is saving time or trees. Communicating through email ends up taking more time because of all the unnecessary emails. Phone tag is not fun, but there are times when it is hard to make sure the other person really understands what you are trying to say. You cannot convey the expression on your face. I spend time rewording things to get my point across. As for paper. It is way to easy to print. I am not sure we are saving any paper.


1 comment:

Steve said...

Good point. I recall a professor who commented that he really loved it when the reduced the size of the floppy disk. I was thinking 51/4 to 31/2. He was talking 1o to 51/4.
I do find myself reading more on line, but I still like to interact with what I'l reading, so I do print some as well. Then I write all over it.