Monday, May 28, 2007


last year I worked with Pam Bailey on setting up a wiki for the Algebra I teachers in the county. We took the idea to Jackie Getgood because in order to post lessons, worksheets, etc. we needed more room then we could get free. The cost would not be much. The reponse we got from Jackie was that she wanted all the posts to come through Pam because she thought some teachers may post bad ideas. Bill Flarities (sp) gave us the password to Hanovers math page but it had not been updated in 2 years and was only a list of SOLs and an outline of when should be taught. We gave up on the idea.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer is starting

I am counting down the days till school is out. End of school year details, planning for summer PD and starting two new courses seems a little more than I can manage. Hopefully once I start it will all fall in place.